Here are Organising Committee Members
University Hospital of ModenaItaly
University of RomeItaly
Harvard School of Dental MedicineUSA
Texas A&M UniversityUSA
University of Notre DameUSA
Yale School of MedicineUSA
University of FloridaUSA
University of FrankfurtGermany
University of Pau and Pays AdourFrance
Qingdao UniversityChina
University of Exeter Medical SchoolUK
Chairman and CEO of BiohellenikaGreece
University of IasiRomania
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of IasiRomania
National Research CenterEgypt
University of Moulay IsmailMorocco
The University of JordanJordan
Philadelphia UniversityJordan
Hanoi University of PharmacyVietnam
CNC University of CoimbraPortugal
National University of MalaysiaMalaysia